Source code for kittycad.api.file.create_file_density

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import httpx

from ...client import Client
from ...models.error import Error
from ...models.file_density import FileDensity
from ...models.file_import_format import FileImportFormat
from ...models.unit_density import UnitDensity
from ...models.unit_mass import UnitMass
from ...types import Response

[docs] def _get_kwargs( material_mass: float, material_mass_unit: UnitMass, output_unit: UnitDensity, src_format: FileImportFormat, body: bytes, *, client: Client, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: url = "{}/file/density".format( client.base_url, ) # noqa: E501 if material_mass is not None: if "?" in url: url = url + "&material_mass=" + str(material_mass) else: url = url + "?material_mass=" + str(material_mass) if material_mass_unit is not None: if "?" in url: url = url + "&material_mass_unit=" + str(material_mass_unit) else: url = url + "?material_mass_unit=" + str(material_mass_unit) if output_unit is not None: if "?" in url: url = url + "&output_unit=" + str(output_unit) else: url = url + "?output_unit=" + str(output_unit) if src_format is not None: if "?" in url: url = url + "&src_format=" + str(src_format) else: url = url + "?src_format=" + str(src_format) headers: Dict[str, Any] = client.get_headers() cookies: Dict[str, Any] = client.get_cookies() return { "url": url, "headers": headers, "cookies": cookies, "timeout": client.get_timeout(), "content": body, }
[docs] def _parse_response(*, response: httpx.Response) -> Optional[Union[FileDensity, Error]]: if response.status_code == 201: response_201 = FileDensity(**response.json()) return response_201 if response.status_code == 400: response_4XX = Error(**response.json()) return response_4XX if response.status_code == 500: response_5XX = Error(**response.json()) return response_5XX return Error(**response.json())
[docs] def _build_response( *, response: httpx.Response ) -> Response[Optional[Union[FileDensity, Error]]]: return Response( status_code=response.status_code, content=response.content, headers=response.headers, parsed=_parse_response(response=response), )
[docs] def sync_detailed( material_mass: float, material_mass_unit: UnitMass, output_unit: UnitDensity, src_format: FileImportFormat, body: bytes, *, client: Client, ) -> Response[Optional[Union[FileDensity, Error]]]: kwargs = _get_kwargs( material_mass=material_mass, material_mass_unit=material_mass_unit, output_unit=output_unit, src_format=src_format, body=body, client=client, ) response = verify=client.verify_ssl, **kwargs, ) return _build_response(response=response)
[docs] def sync( material_mass: float, material_mass_unit: UnitMass, output_unit: UnitDensity, src_format: FileImportFormat, body: bytes, *, client: Client, ) -> Optional[Union[FileDensity, Error]]: """We assume any file given to us has one consistent unit throughout. We also assume the file is at the proper scale. This endpoint assumes if you are giving a material mass in a specific mass units, we return a density in mass unit per cubic measure unit. In the future, we will use the units inside the file if they are given and do any conversions if necessary for the calculation. But currently, that is not supported. Get the density of an object in a CAD file. If the file is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. If the operation is performed asynchronously, the `id` of the operation will be returned. You can use the `id` returned from the request to get status information about the async operation from the `/async/operations/{id}` endpoint. """ # noqa: E501 return sync_detailed( material_mass=material_mass, material_mass_unit=material_mass_unit, output_unit=output_unit, src_format=src_format, body=body, client=client, ).parsed
[docs] async def asyncio_detailed( material_mass: float, material_mass_unit: UnitMass, output_unit: UnitDensity, src_format: FileImportFormat, body: bytes, *, client: Client, ) -> Response[Optional[Union[FileDensity, Error]]]: kwargs = _get_kwargs( material_mass=material_mass, material_mass_unit=material_mass_unit, output_unit=output_unit, src_format=src_format, body=body, client=client, ) async with httpx.AsyncClient(verify=client.verify_ssl) as _client: response = await**kwargs) return _build_response(response=response)
[docs] async def asyncio( material_mass: float, material_mass_unit: UnitMass, output_unit: UnitDensity, src_format: FileImportFormat, body: bytes, *, client: Client, ) -> Optional[Union[FileDensity, Error]]: """We assume any file given to us has one consistent unit throughout. We also assume the file is at the proper scale. This endpoint assumes if you are giving a material mass in a specific mass units, we return a density in mass unit per cubic measure unit. In the future, we will use the units inside the file if they are given and do any conversions if necessary for the calculation. But currently, that is not supported. Get the density of an object in a CAD file. If the file is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. If the operation is performed asynchronously, the `id` of the operation will be returned. You can use the `id` returned from the request to get status information about the async operation from the `/async/operations/{id}` endpoint. """ # noqa: E501 return ( await asyncio_detailed( material_mass=material_mass, material_mass_unit=material_mass_unit, output_unit=output_unit, src_format=src_format, body=body, client=client, ) ).parsed